The Rich Are Different is Now Available

The second book in the Dakota Stevens Mystery Series by Chris Orcutt, The Rich Are Different, is now available for Kindle on Amazon.

In February, I started re-editing the novel, and five strenuous months later, it’s finally ready. In the last month alone, I went through the manuscript half a dozen times. I wanted it to be as good as I can make it, and now it is.

It’s a better novel than the first one, believe it or not. It’s darker, there’s more character development, and the relationship between Dakota and Svetlana deepens. Dakota isn’t quite as quippy, yet there are still plenty of good lines and comebacks. The important thing is, it’s a true sequel, picking up only a few months after A Real Piece of Work ends. Dakota is depressed, and he’s lost his detecting mojo. Will he get it back and solve the next case?

For details on the plot and what inspired me to write it, visit the book page on this site. Or, if you just want to buy a copy, click here.

I hope you all download a copy of the novel and love it. And if you do love it, please post a positive review on Amazon. Thanks to your support, A Real Piece of Work has garnered over 90 customer 5-star reviews, as well as 5-star reviews from Kindle Book Review and IndieReader. Your purchases, reviews and word-of-mouth advertising directly contributed to the novel’s success, and I’m hoping to continue this trend with The Rich Are Different.

Finally, I want to thank all fans of Dakota & Svetlana who were patient with me while I “got the words right,” as Hemingway put it. I have striven to give you the very best novel I can, and I hope you enjoy it.

—Chris Orcutt



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By Chris Orcutt

Chris Orcutt is an American novelist and fiction writer with over 30 years' writing experience and more than a dozen books in his oeuvre. He is currently at work on his magnum opus, a 1980s "teen epic."

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