Thanks for the Incredible Year

A little more than a year ago, I published A Real Piece of Work for the Kindle, not for a second anticipating the terrific success the book would have.

In fact, when I published it, my only hope was to sell 1,000 copies, at which time I would release the second novelThe Rich Are Different. I thought it would take a year to sell that many copies. Instead, it took three months.

This has been an incredible year for me, and it’s all been because of you readers. As my way of saying thanks (this is Thanksgiving week, after all), I am making A Real Piece of Work available for FREE for one day only—on Tuesday, November 20. Tell all of your friends.

So, how has this been an incredible year for me?

Well, first, I sold thousands of copies of A Real Piece of Work, not just the 1,000 I hoped for. Thank you for spreading the word about the book and for continuing to publicize it.

The excellent sales made it possible for my wife and me to fulfill a dream I’ve had for over 20 years: to go to Paris. I wrote about the two-week trip at length here.

The reviews of both books have been stellar, with A Real Piece of Work having just reached one hundred 5-star reviews. Besides the praising reviews by you, Dear Reader, there have been raving professional reviews, including ones by IndieReader and The Kindle Book Review. I want to give a special thanks to the two reviewers, Maya Fleischmann and Rachel Abbott: your kind and generous reviews of the novel really helped. Thank you.

There has also been some publicity about me and my work, including newspaper articles and a lengthy interview. Not to mention some fun film footage about my predilection for typewriters by my best friend, documentarian Jason Scott.

It’s been an incredible year all around, and I’m hoping that sales of both novels will be strong through the holidays. If you know anyone traveling who might want a good read, consider suggesting A Real Piece of Work or The Rich Are Different. Great for plane and train trips, and for people stuck away from home.  ;)

I sincerely wish you and yours an enjoyable Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season.

—Chris Orcutt


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By Chris Orcutt

Chris Orcutt is an American novelist and fiction writer with over 30 years' writing experience and more than a dozen books in his oeuvre. He is currently at work on his magnum opus, a 1980s "teen epic."

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