The Night Before the Night Before Christmas

’Twas the night before the night before Christmas,
And all through this writer’s head,
Not a bad thought was stirring, not even dread.
The writer was thankful, most of all for Alexas,
And his many readers and fans, from London to Texas.
Thankful, too, for advance readers Hillary and Tony,
Upon whom he could always count not to be phony.
Cover artist Elisabeth Pinio and book designer Lisa DeSpain,
Working ever so assiduously even though he’s a pain.
And of course talented voiceover artist Jill Cassidy,
Who turned his modest book trailer into a mystery rhapsody.
Helped this year by pros of the airwaves and the almighty pen,
By radio hosts, reviewers and newspapermen.
The scintillating Pam Stack of Authors on the Air,
Who conducted her interview with great charm and care.
Steve Campbell of The Author Biz hosted him brilliantly too,
And let him discuss his new mystery and his quirky world view.
He talked about his bipolar on Empowered Living Radio,
With host Tori Eldridge—master of the microphone and To-Shin Do(e).
He did a Q&A with Authors in the Spotlight’s Lucie Dunn,
An interview this writer found gracious, thoughtful and fun.
He was featured in a short documentary by his friend Jason Scott,
To whom he is grateful, even though 20 years ago Scott broke his cot.
Reviewers Kate Goldsmith, Nina Sheingold, Ann La Farge,
In praising One Hundred Miles they led the charge.
Kirkus Reviews favorably compared him to his hero John Cheever,
In a review so stellar, it gave him a fever.
IndieReader declared his books Best Books both last year and this,
“There’s a new word sheriff in town,” they said, “and his name is Chris.”
Then Stu Shinske and John Barry of the PO-kipsee Journal
With a long feature made this former reporter feel vernal.
The writer is thankful also for his family and friends;
They are much better than scuba diving and getting the bends. :)
And so this writer says to everyone, “You made this year out of sight!
Now please excuse me while I sharpen a pencil and sit down and write.”

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By Chris Orcutt

Chris Orcutt is an American novelist and fiction writer with over 30 years' writing experience and more than a dozen books in his oeuvre. He is currently at work on his magnum opus, a 1980s "teen epic."

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