One of the Best Indie Books of 2013—THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND


It’s the Christmas present I didn’t expect.

IndieReader, the trusted and informative web-zine about all things indie publishing, has included my book of short stories, The Man, The Myth, The Legend, on their list of the Best Indie Books of 2013.

(Mine is near the end.)

Back in July, IndieReader (IR) gave the collection a 5-star review and the distinction of being one of their “IndieReader-Approved” titles.

And now, this.

Out of the thousands of indie titles published in 2013, The Man, The Myth, The Legend was voted one of the year’s best. I’m overjoyed.

What makes it even more special is that, like a good Christmas present, I had no idea it was coming.

And the icing? The fact that 9 out of the 10 stories in the collection were submitted to, and rejected by, dozens of literary journals and magazines over the past three years before I decided to publish them on Kindle myself.

Since early 2012, IR has given both of my Dakota Stevens mysteries 5-star reviews as well—a fact that I posted about earlier this year. I’m grateful to them for their support of my work, but I’m also grateful to them for the work they’re doing on behalf of all indie authors.



Seriously, it’s an excellent site of curated ebook & indie titles.


By identifying and promoting the best indie work out there, IR is doing a marvelous job of dispelling the myth that indie writing and ebooks in general are junk.

As a writer who spent many years in the gauntlet of traditional publishing, trying to find a home for his books, I am glad to now have this opportunity to reach readers through epublishing.

As I’ve said before, I knew that if I could just get my books into the hands of actual readers (not jaded publishing professionals)—I knew that readers would enjoy them. And they have.

Thank you IndieReader, and all readers of indie-published books, for your support. I hope you all have a great 2014.

You can buy your Kindle copy of The Man, The Myth, The Legend at Amazon.

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By Chris Orcutt

Writer — The Dakota Stevens Mystery Series, Short fiction, Plays — Editor & Speechwriter for Hire — Avid Golfer, Chess Player & Awesome Wood-Splitter — Twitter: @chrisorcutt